Thursday, May 31, 2007
I'm lazy to get out of the house today.
i want to watch the sunset with youuu((((:
I guess i won't be able to stargaze with you)):
My mind's unweaving/ 6:05 AM
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Training in the morning:D
Compass next with Bay,cheryl&geraldine. Shaheera and the rest followed behind.
Ate at KFC. Then decided to go nat's house with shaheera. Half way, she disappered in compass. Heh.
Went home next with geraldine. Bathed, changed and then off to nat's house. Reached natalie's house, use the computer and played this Harry Potter game. Than siobhan and sheryl came. &then shaheera and nessa came. Oh well, we got bored soon and wanted to play basketball. Went to sheryl's house to take ball but everyone ended up watching a scary movie. The eye. Heres the funny part. When this old lady appeared everyone was like" AHHHHH!" Than shaheera cried. Hah! Than halfway, Nessa had to leave. Than the rest went to nat's house to get their stuffs.
Oh,shaheera left with nessa too. Okay,when siobhan and nat came back, we went down to play badminton. Stupidddddd!
But guess what, i ended up playing for two plus hours. Hahaha! Everytime when i'm playing with nat, when her phone goes," DING DONG." she'll just rush to her phone half way through the game. Haha.
We played till around 7. And then dinner at some weird places. The food was nice yeah.
Than playground next. There was this spider dangling from nowhere. Than we were observing it like some morons. Haha! Okay, we played catching at the playground with two small boys. Sheryl is always getting caught. Haha. Theres this small girl which is cute but shes really irritaing. Telling this boy to get off the playground. Hah! Than natalie's house to get some coooooooooool air. Haha. Ordered macs delivery cause everyone was lazy to walk. Canceled our order cause its coming at 9plus and we thought we would go back by then but, sheryl went home at 9,siobhan and i left nat's house at 10plus. Cab home with siobhan.I'm holding on still.
My mind's unweaving/ 10:44 PM
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
I just came back from bay's house!
Okay, went to sam's house to get phone from her. Than meet geraldine and jasmine at the bus stop. They came up with a stupid idea. They make me stop at the overhead bridge and ask me to wait for 1minute. Than they said i was late and had to treat them green tea but obviously i didn't! Yaomin was late and had to treat them for a bottle of greentea! Heh.
Went to eat at gardens. Prata!
Than VCD shop next to borrow horror movies our favourite! Borrowed the school is haunted and two more CDs. Watch at bay's house and was really scary alright! But, the ending is like stupid. Haha. We just watched the other two CDs next was'nt really intrested so just left the tv alone no one was watching it. Hah.
Soon, shaheera and amber came as well. I bet amber regreted to come! Hah!
Than watch channel8! &next went to this place where we can watch TV as well as aircon provided! Haha. Was making a din there and off the lights cause i don't know why. Geraldine and jasmine did something to amber which made her pissed off. But after while,amber is alright! Haha.
Stayed there till like 8plus.
And then playground next. We took up the whole playground. Was looking at stars as well as the moon. Left around 9. Cab home and i've to pay the cab fare cause i was the last one. But, they will be paying me back tmr. Okay, theres netball trng tmr at 8.30:D I've been waiting for it like 53559 years. I'll end here.
I'm really really glad i heard your voice over the phone and the msges too<3
My mind's unweaving/ 7:02 AM
Monday, May 28, 2007
Hmmm, i woke up rather early& was wondering what i'll do for the day cause i had no plans.
And,decided to visit natalie as well as shaheera. I brought the game disk along cause they wanted to play it too cause shaheera loves it.
Reached natalie's house but guess what. I didn't dare to enter the house cause i thought her brother's friends are all inside. Hah! So i just stupidly make phone calls here and there to contact natalie. But, i just pulled open the gate and open the door and i just walked into the house. Wasted quite alot of time outside her house.
Okay,macs next. Oh i just ate something new. Its french fries plus this seaweed stuff,nice!
Sheryl house's next and everyone who was there know what happened! Hahahaha!
Back to nat's house and continued with the game. After a while, nat wanted to go jogging but she felt that her stomach was not feeling good and back in the house agn. Haha. &i think i was cam-whoring the whole time in nat's house. Left nat's house around 7plus. Tmr bay's house with yaomin and the rest!<3 We're really far away)):

My mind's unweaving/ 6:00 AM
Saturday, May 26, 2007
I'm right now listening to this really really nice yet sad song)): Its on mars vs venus that show:D
Play that song which is on the top left of the blog:DHmm, was suppose to go NSL with Joanne yao but she didn't want to go cause its at bedok. Well, dinner later at pepperlunch with bay at hougang mall with maybe the rest. I wanna go NSL))))):
I thought i could see you there)))))))))))))))))))):
Its just a few more weeks before nsl ends):
Its the only chance i could see youuuuuuuuu)))))))):
I miss you really really badly):
My mind's unweaving/ 1:56 AM
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Hmmm, morning had long sessions of prayer and then an hour of recess!:D
During recess, fish&chip and then netball for awhile.
Canteen next with asiah,rachel&felicia. oh well, we just sat down and crap for a little while.
Homeroom and then hall again for investiture for cca&house leaders. OH, sheryl&geraldine are the captain and vice-captain, WAY TO GO!
Shervin's house next after school for lunch.
computer,tv&food:D Same as usual:DD
Was talking to kwek and looking at the yearbook, random question just came out of my mind. Haha. But was funny alright! HAH! Amanda and her computer,shervin was munching. &shervin is lame she edited a photo&showed like,UH!? okay, theres PTM tmr. Well, today is the last day of school before june holidays starts:D
Choc, get well soon! <333
Just where are you?))):
Its been days since i saw you.
I've just so much to say just so much))))))):
My mind's unweaving/ 4:45 AM
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
School was rather slack today.
Assembly was instruction&demo about tmr's game day.
After school, workshop about chinese comics. Headed to compass and then SKCC.
hmm, lots of people were there. Sharon, nice hair uh! Was getting late soon&headed home.
All i know is that i've fallen for you real deep)):
My mind's unweaving/ 5:01 AM
Monday, May 21, 2007
School's like "TADONG."): Everyone's so lethargic. Late for school&filled in yellow form. Canteen to check lit papers,i didn't do well. Went back to CT venue& had chinese. burr baww baozxzxz. Recess&then lit followed by maths. During maths, checked overall results just a little more to pass:D Science was fun cause of this&that which had to much link to each other. Haha. Well,today is Ms low's last day as well as the last time she'll be teaching us,all the bestt:DD
Went to compass&ate at yoshinoya. &later Emma's house with nat,sheryl&shareera. Sheryl's cacat cause she suddenly scolded nat by saying," YOU CRABMEAT!" LIKE NO LINK! Than she laughed at her own words. Haha. Emma lent me the yearbook,thankss:DD Theres workshop tmr&its getting late now. All for todayyy:D)):
My mind's unweaving/ 5:17 AM
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Went to church in the morning&met Adele on the bus:D Was half an hour late. After church,went to eat that courts. The food was all western and i wasn't used to eating it&ended up eating satay:DD Reached home,watched tv&soon i've to go for tuition)):you deserve your space,you're much older& i've to understand))))):
My mind's unweaving/ 3:52 AM
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Animation today(;
Was late for the animation workshop because i was wondering around the school finding computer lab2 when i've been walking past it lots of times already. Wasted like TWENTY mins. Hmmm, the animation at first was boring at the beggining but super fun at the starting of the animation. Every shot,you've to move the object by a little like 2cm to make it look real. So we did it wrongly at the starting and it came out super funny like the clouds are running&the sun is like going no where. Hah,it's stupid! So everything ended smoothly:DD The animation was nice i guess. &i drop whole new packet of MUMMY down from the third floor like oops? Haha.
Went to orchard with geraldine to joined Bay,yiping,val,bernice,jasmine. Haha. &something stupid happened on the way. There was a teacher from our school standing right behind geraldine and geraldine was like giving me eyecontact that he's just behind. & i shouted,"WHERE!?WHERE!?" HAHA! So retarded! Than i realised he was just behind&he was staring at geraldine&me. Haha. Super funny manzxzxz! hmmm, walked to takashimaya&got lost there for like no reason! Haha. Slowly,found our way:D &meet than already.
Went to Fareast to see this toy which appeared on tv a few years back&its super scary alright."EEYER!" Ate at this small twinny tiny shop which valtay recommended. Haha. The food is alright. &the bill was $47,NOT! its $27 just that i mistaken it. Bernice was like,"HUH!? $47?" than she LAUGHED. Hahaha! Okay. went to Paragon next! Toy "r" us:D Everyone was making a din there&embrassing ourself. Taking small balls throwing everywhere. Geraldine took out this jumping spring&started to jump on it. Haha.
Okay, sat near a fountain. Val&jasmine ate their ice-cream oh before that, bernice left cause she had NDP till TENplus. Okay, headed for Wisma next! Sat at starbucks& the chair was like WAHH. So soft:D Saw Yilin&her friends and we were laughing abt this stupid person which was so retarded. Haha! Geraldine wanted to bath. NO LINKK! Haha.Okay, Went home next. On the train sat down on the floor& was looking out for green man! Haha. Bay left at serangoon&she called me to say she forgot about her wallet. Hahaha!
Reached hougang& Yiping is retarded! Haha. She suddenly jumped and screamed cause whoever replyed her msg. Than she did some stupid actions& we just stop where we are&laugh la. So embrassing. BOBOCHACHA! Geraldine went to cut her hair like spike&short. &val bought a sudoku book&she did it on the spot with yiping.Hmm,went home after that. The rest went for bb trng and gerald went home:D
where are youuuuuuuuu?)):
My mind's unweaving/ 6:40 AM
Friday, May 18, 2007
YESTERDAYYY.Everything was alright:D During PE, was playing captain ball((: like oh my, its damn fun. Had english after that&check a few papers. Did not score well for most of the subject in fact its actually Failed. ): hmmm. Was playing cards again than a teacher came in& was like," give me the cards." Wrote down our names& like ya.
After school went to compass to eat&than went to nessa's house. Played blk catching first but i guess it was disturbing the neighbours so went to play at carpark. HIDE&SEEK:D My favourite(: Oh&geraldine injured shaheera's finger and her finger was bleeding really badly. Violent kid! Haiyo. But continued playing. Ran and hide everywhere in the carpark&was really scary when me and natalie got seperated cause of nessa and sharheera. So was wondering alone in the carpark called sioban to ask where she was&found them! Hahaha. After awhile,left.
TODAYY.My phone,confiscated);
hmmm. School was alright. until my phone got confiscated. Damn it la. Alright, joanne engggggg,THREE months will be over soon:D hmmm. so went to compass to eat at Yoshinoya&went to AMK hub. On the bus was really lots of fun was laughing our hearts out especially natalie. Hahaha. Reached AMK went to buy ice-cream& sat down at a corner. SUSHI was right infront of us. So hard to resist the temtation of buying the sushi but bought it in the end, nat&yaomin bought. Well, soon. A security came and said," i know this mall is lack of sits but you are not allowed to sit here." We guess as much and took our bags and walked off. "sighs manzxzxz." Went to take 159 back. So natalie drop first and than decided to head for natalie's house. We droped at the next bus stop which was really far away. Yaomin cant run cause she was wearing slippers so sharheera&i ran till the traffic light yaomin was still like far away. Reached natalie's house and turn on the tv:DDD Haha. Theres too many funny stuff happened at natalie's house& i cant say it out here. hmmm, took 325 home.
Theres animation workshop tmr. Got to wake up early. Hmm, i'm stopping here alright!TATA!I wanna see you real badly):
i just want another msg)))):
My mind's unweaving/ 5:00 AM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Oh great. Blogger is finally alright:D
well, went to school had chinese in the morning & i got back my chinese results was quite alright. Checked marks and everything and thought there was a mistake in the marks went to mrs chia but end up having marks deducted.
Recess was next and everything was as usual. Went back to class and went for history lessons. During history lesson, i was really exhausted but had to keep myself awake cause had to copy down important points. Had TWO mins break went to the toilet to wash my face and to play. Haha. Went back to class late by like three mins. Continued history for another peroid.
Was CME after that. Visualiser wasn't working and so Mr lim decided to let us do our own work.
Went to the back of the classroom to play cards and when mr lim came, we just hide the cards below sheryl's bag and pretent to talk, laugh. Hahaha. Continued playing after he left. DNT was next and DNT results are out. Did real badly and just tore my workpiece apart and threw it in the dustbin. Cherie is really oh my gosh. she got irritated by my classmates and just lift up her pinnafore and showed us whatever is below it. Everyone was really pissed off by her attitude alright.
Went to compass after that with Amber&sharheera. Ate at burger king and amber had no money and went around asking people for FOURRRR dollars. &Nessa lent it to her if not we'll be trap with her and not eating. phew. Went home after that with sharheera took 87. ZOOM home to watch tv. luckily was on time for the show. Watched spongebob and realised that Fenyx speaked like spongebob. HAHAHA.
i felt just so lost when you were not around):
I want to see you really badly))):
My mind's unweaving/ 3:21 AM
Sunday, May 13, 2007
YESTERDAY, woke up early in the morning to Margie's house to bake cookies:D Took 147 and drop the stop after bowen. Reached the bus stop and i called margie and ask her for directions to her house. she said walk towards the church and turn. But when i turn it was a long and quiet road. Margie said that it would be better if i stayed at the bus stop. Hahaha. alright, went to her house to bake the cookies. So margie took out a instruction book to guide her on how to bake. Its was really funny and i started laughing. It was really fun baking&all:D So put it in the oven and waited for awhile. Took the cookies out after a period of time & it seriously smells nice. After awhile more, left margie's house and went home.
Reached home and use the computer for awhile and went for tuition)): During tuition sam and i was really making all the weird noises and samantha was blasting music. Haha. Alright, after tuition went to eat with my mommy at soup resturant at hougang mall as i had to meet choc moh. So met choc in the train and started talking& reached dhobyghuat and i cant find the correct entrance to walk to cathay. So was wondering around and choc was just complaining non stop. Walk around and both me and choc found the entrance at the same time. HAHA. Okay, went to cathay to walk around and look if theres anything nice. Like after 30 mins went to 7-11 to buy stuff. choc bought her drink and i bought chocolates!:D :D okay, heres the funny part alright. the cashier is damn poilte and her voice is like high pitch so she went," Hello, welcome to 7-11!!" and she ask if choc wanted to buy two bottles of her drink cause it would be cheaper and choc said," ONE."(as in she only want one.) so she gave the cashier $2 and the cashier said its $2.90 and choc had to point to her one finger. hahah so funny and i started to laugh to myself and i had to paid for my chocolates and choc moh just left the shop without me cause she does not want to embrasses herself cause i was laughing at the cashier women. HAHAHA. Okay, so went to walk around at plaza and find present n finally got everything we wanted. so sat at time bookshop to wrap our things. Was really funny. So reached home around 9plus coming 10. Watch a horror movie and it really made me scared alright.TODAYYYYYYYYYYYY.Went to church in the morning was exhausted then. After church, went to eat at AMK hub at newyork newyork. The food was really nice:D :D After that went into Daddy's car and while turning out of the carpark there was a lorry which got stuck in the carpark cause the carpark wayout was really steep the lorry was like sliding backwards cause the wheels has little friction was i really super afraid at that time but luckily the security came and help. ,"phew. Went to queentown to look at shoes:D After like an hour, went home and left the house again for cathay:D Went to look for kelly and pass her her present:D &left for home soon.
i really didn't wanted to leave&i never felt so upset turning my back and walking off)):
My mind's unweaving/ 3:41 AM
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Had exams this morning. Was really excited when i saw the paper i really don't know why. Did MCQ and was pretty easy and i thought Mr.Foo was so kind to set such easy question. When i turned to section B, my thinking change. It was really diffcult. well, after all, Mr foo was not as kind as what i thought. Haha. OH,& section C had to do only four question. Didn't read the instruction and did everything blindly. At the end, had to cancel out two of my really long answers but unsure. My pen ink):
Had recess after that,had appetite and just ate the normal food. Went back to CT venue and sat for General science. Its was alright but a little tough at the back. All my answers were rubbish i guess. Went to compass after school and ate at KFC. Met Fenyx and cindy there, joined them went into metro because fenyx wanted to buy her uhhuh.
Went home after that. Its 9.30pm right now and i'm rushing through my preparation for art test tmr. Alright, all for today. TUTU!:D
My mind's unweaving/ 5:38 AM
Monday, May 07, 2007
Well, had Chinese paper2& composition today. After school, went to compass came back to school,played hide&seek:D Went home after a period of time. Read a sad and touching story and here it is.
Jenny was so happy about the house they had found. For once in her life that was on the right side of town. She unpacked her things with such great ease. As she watched her new curtains blow in the breeze. How wonderful it was to have her own room. School would be starting, she would have friends over soon. There will be sleep-overs, and parties. She was so happy. It's just the way she wanted her life to be.
On the first day of school, everything went great. She made new friends and even got a date! She thought, "I want to be popular and I'm going to be, because I just got a date with the star of the team!" To be known in this school you had to have a clout, and dating this guy would sure help her out. There was only one problem stopping her fate. Her parents had said she was too young to date. "Well I just won't tell them the entire truth. They won't know the difference. What's there to lose?"
Jenny asked to stay with her friends that night. Her parents frowned but said, "All right." Excited, she got ready for the big event. But as she rushed around like she had no sense, she began to feel guilty about all the lies, but what's a pizza, a party, and a moonlight ride? Well the pizza was good, and the party was great, and the moonlight ride would have to wait, for Jeff was half drunk by this time.
But he kissed her and said that he was just fine. Then the room filled with smoked and Jeff took a puff. Jenny couldn't believe he was smoking that stuff. Now Jeff was ready to ride to the point, but only after he'd smoked another joint.
They jumped in the car for the moonlight ride, not thinking that he was too drunk to drive. They finally made it to the point at last, and Jeff started trying to make a pass. A pass is not what Jenny wanted at all (and by a pass, I don't mean playing football.) "Perhaps my parents were right. Maybe I am too young. Boy, how could I ever, ever be so dumb?" With all of her might, she pushed Jeff away, "Please take me home, I don't want to stay."
Jeff cranked up the engine and floored the gas. In a matter of seconds they were going too fast. As Jeff drove on in a fit of wild anger, Jenny knew that her life was in danger. She begged and pleaded for him to slow down, but he just got faster as they neared the town. "Just let me get home! I'll confess that I lied. I really went out for a moonlight ride."
Then all of a sudden, she saw a big flash. "Oh God, Please help us! We're going to crash!" She doesn't remember the force of impact. Just that everything all of a sudden went black. She felt someone remove her from the twisted rubble, and heard, "Call an ambulance! These kids are in trouble!" Voices she heard, a few words at best. But she knew there were two cars involved in the wreck.
Then wondered to herself if Jeff was all right, and if the people in the other car was alive. She awoke in the hospital to faces so sad. "You've been in a wreck and it looks pretty bad." These voices echoed inside her head, as they gently told her that Jeff was dead. They said "Jenny, we've done all we can do. But it looks as if we'll lose you too." "But the people in the other car?" Jenny cried. "We're sorry, Jenny, they also died."
Jenny prayed, "God, forgive me for what I've done. I only wanted to have just one night of fun." "Tell those people's family, I've made their lives dim, and wish I could return their families to them." "Tell Mom and Dad I'm sorry I lied, and that it's my fault so many have died. Oh, nurse, won't you please tell them that for me?"
The nurse just stood there. She never agreed. But took Jenny's hand with tears in her eyes. And a few moments later Jenny died. A man asked the nurse, "Why didn't you do your best to bid that girl her one last request?" She looked at the man with eyes so sad. "Because the people in the other car were her mom and dad."
I'm looking forward about seeing you soon:D
My mind's unweaving/ 3:33 AM
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Began school with a glad mood cause its CT venue for the day:D say yay. ,"YAY." Alright. Chinese in the morning. PE next:D ," ALRIGHT! ITS CAPTAIN'S BALL!:D" Played till i was high:D :D Mrs chua took over Mr Foo's double period lesson): well, after this is recess. & theres really nothing to talk about the periods after recess. OH, music:D watch phantom of the oprea. Its really nice cause its mysterious & frightening:D I felt i was in the story but so different when i left the music room. Haha.
Had chinese oral after school. I really screwed up everything. Mumbling, skipping words speaking softly. I guess i'm not doing well again for my both english and chinese oral): For conversation, i speak like i've some problems speaking and the examiner got to ask me question for me to answer. oh well, i guess its better not to dwell about tis. Its over anyway!:D Went to the canteen and started to talk to the sectwos. Went to the basement toilet to take pictures:D Told them a very intresting story. & i was surprised that they listen so intentively. :D I'm a GOOD storyteller(; Went home after that. :D
Walk to hougang mall just to waste my time. Xiuwen saw me on my way & she waste her msg just to tell me she saw me. Alamak. After feeling that i've waste enough time, went home. & here I am lah!:D oh, i had to delete my friendster picture because Crystal said she look retarded and i'm out to embrasses her. Haha. What weird friends i have lah:Di want to turn the time back to monday & back to cathay:D
My mind's unweaving/ 4:17 AM
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Walk in the rain while on the way to the bus-stop. :D The bus was crowded as usual. Reached school, followed Adele and Samantha to the toilet to get samantha's PE shirt changed. Was late for the anthem&stayed at the stairs as we saw Mr lim. Hahaha. Had rosary in the morning. That delayed lessons:D ( oh well, but i've to study anyway still.) Spent the time before recess in CT venue because 3/4 of the teachers went for work shop. Felicia told me a story which was on tv on eve-labour day. It was quite funny and intresting because of her funny expression& actions.(Thanks for the entertainment anyway:D)
After recess, Science. Went to biology lab. Had some experiment done. But, i still didn't get the idea of it. I guess i've to brush up on my science. CME was next did some self study. Instead of studying, Crystal thought us some finger chasing game but tho it was crappy it was fun:D
DNT next, had problems completing my circuit piece.Was just rushing to have it complete& get my marks. WELL, it didn't work in the end.( Haha, loser.) And, DING DONG. oh,Crystal and I took some pictures in the lab. I'll upload it soon into friendster.
School ended.
))): i miss you
My mind's unweaving/ 3:53 AM